
Kasukuwere responds to claims he stage managed Mudzidzi Wimbo's abduction as part of plot to succeed Mugabe

Kasukuwere responds to claims he stage managed Mudzidzi Wimbo's abduction as part of plot to succeed Mugabe

In a brief interview with The Daily News, local government minister and Zanu-PF national commissar, Saviour Kasukuwere responded to claims by State media that he staged managed Mudzidzi Wimbo’s abduction after  the Madziwa-based church leader  failed to anoint him to be the next Zimbabwe president.

Said Kasukuwere:

Handisati ndambopfeka magements kana kumboenda ikoko, hameno vanoenda ikoko vanozviziva (I have never worn their garments or even visited the shrine, I am not sure about those who visit the place and they know themselves).

Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa made headlines in 2015 when he visited Mudzidzi Wimbo’s shrine . The prophet is famed for allegedly prophesying that President Robert Mugabe would be the first black president as early as 1957.

More: Daily News
