
I can participate and help my national team qualify for the World Cup says Magaya

I can participate and help my national team qualify for the World Cup says Magaya

Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Ministries leader Prophet Walter Magaya has revealed that he has high hopes for the man’s senior national football team. Magaya said he hopes to play a role in getting the Warriors to qualify for the World Cup.

Speaking to the Herald, Magaya said:

The vision spreads to the national teams, I wish to be part of the national team so that we can compete in one of the World Cups whilst my blood is still ticking

We missed the last World Cup when I was inactive in football and because of some issues that were beyond my control but I believe that, maybe, in the next World Cup, I can participate and help my national team qualify for the World Cup

Yes, we may not be there in the next few years as a club, but what I know is that my national team will be there and nothing is impossible with God. Even if Yadah FC might not exist in the next few years, or will be existing, I don’t know with God, but my national teams will be there and I want to lift the flag of my country.

More: Herald

