
MDC-T claims Zanu-PF has launched a terror campaign threatening villagers

MDC-T claims Zanu-PF has launched a terror campaign threatening villagers

The Morgan Tsvangirai led MDC has accused Zanu-PF of launching a terror campaign in Mashonaland East province where they are threatening villagers against attending meetings and sharing their horror experiences of the violent 2008 polls.|

MDC legislator for Zengeza West Simon Chidhakwa told the Daily News yesterday that he had firsthand accounts from villagers who were being intimidated by Zanu PF supporters after they attended meetings with opposition Members of Parliament. Said Chidhakwa:

I myself recently went to Uzumba centre doing ward profiling. I started in ward 15 where I addressed our members. Zanu PF supporters came and started throwing stones. The amount of intimidation is so much that people who are still reeling from the 2008 violence now worry that life could get worse ahead of 2018. I even came across people who have lost their limbs and homes and people are saying if we show our support to the MDC, we will be beaten or killed. An old lady also appealed to us that we should never come back to her homestead, genuinely fearing that her home would be destroyed by Zanu PF supporters.

More: Daily News
