
Zanu-PF splurges $60 million on vehicles ahead of 2018 Elections

Zanu-PF splurges $60 million on vehicles ahead of 2018 Elections

The ruling Zanu-PF has spent $60 million on cars, trucks, and buses for campaigning ahead of the 2018 elections. The government is also planning on buying more than 226 cars for traditional leaders. The moves have been described as vote buying and misplaced priorities by critics, who argue that there are far greater needs.  The party has purchased a fleet of Ford Fiestas, Ford Ranger trucks, and buses.

Speculation is also rife on the source of the funds used to pay for the vehicles as the party has been reported to be struggling to pay for salaries and conference venues. Zanu PF secretary for transport Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri refused to shed light on the party’s financials saying:

That is party business and I will not discuss that with the press … sorry,

More: Daily News
