
Zhuwao says all those attacking Kasukuwere are idiots

Zhuwao says all those attacking Kasukuwere are idiots

President Robert Mugabe’s nephew and Minister of Youth and Economic Empowerment Patrick Zhuwao has hit out at the Zanu-PF members calling for the removal of Saviour Kasukuwere. Knives have been out for Kasukuwere following nationwide calls for his removal as the party’s National Political Commissar. Zhuwao has described the organizers of the nationwide demonstrations as idiots.

Speaking to The Standard, Zhuwao said:

There were certain individuals that were claiming to come from Mashonaland Central province and had issues with Kasukuwere. What was meant to be a localised issue then got turned into a national issue and you see certain provinces getting up to support what is happening in Mashonaland Central.

That was idiotic and nonsensical. It was foolishness of the worst order. I am a member of the PCC [provincial coordinating committee) for Mashonaland West. What the province did was stupid and that particular PCC was called for on a day we had Cabinet and I couldn’t attend but otherwise I was going to tell the chairman and all those who were pushing this nonsensical idea that they are being foolish and still continue to be foolish.

Kasukuwere, Zhuwao and Professor Jonathan Moyo are alleged to be members of the G40 Faction which is opposed to Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Lacoste Faction

More: The Standard
