
Talent Madungwe responds to critics, insists he arrested the devil

Talent Madungwe responds to critics, insists he arrested the devil

Self proclaimed prophet Talent Madungwe has responded to critics who have mocked his announcement that he arrested Satan. Mudungwe said that he is not bothered by what people say since God has hardened his heart.

Said Mudungwe:

God hardened my heart when I was young so I’m not bothered by what people say. During Pentecost some people alleged that the likes of Peter were drunk as written in Acts 2. These are spiritual matters and people will not understand. It is natural that people say what they want. Some appreciate what I do while some criticise but that will not move me.

In the interview with HMetro he maintained that he arrested Satan and said:

One thousand angelic soldiers went to hell and arrested Satan. We took him to the army base before we took him to the Heavenly court on June 19 where he appeared before the Heavenly judges. We agreed that we will reduce his powers and reduce his fallen angels.

He said that Satan was rearrested so that Jesus can preach in hell from July 1 to July 30. According to Mudungwe Satan will be released on July 30.

More: HMetro
