
President Mugabe criticises pastors who steal from congregants using the name of God

President Mugabe criticises pastors who steal from congregants using the name of God

Speaking at the 60th birthday celebrations of his sister-in-law, Mrs Junior Gumbochuma, President Robert Mugabe criticised pastors who steal from congregants using the name of God.

Said Mugabe:

Kune mamwe machurch vanokopa zvese kubva kuna vana Moses. Hatidi, hatidi zvekunyeperwa zvekuti ah tiri mapastor, asi hupastor zvichireva kuunganidza mari dzinobva kuvanhu nguva nenguva. Mari dzevanhu? Kungotora Bible kuna Corinthians kwakuparidza kuvanhu kwave kutoita mari, kupfuma nemazuva matatu.

M0re: Herald
