
Mysterious fire breaks out at Mnangagwa's home

Mysterious fire breaks out at Mnangagwa's home

A fire broke out Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Tynwald home and destroyed parts of the property. However, Firefighters from the city of Harare managed to put out the fire before it reached the main house. The blaze occured at around 11 am.

Noone was injured in the fire, and Mnangagwa himself no longer lives at the Tynwald house after he moved to the northern suburbs. The fire damaged an old compound, fowl runs, and sheds which house agricultural equipment.

Mnangagwa’s family declined to comment and told reporters to get comments from the state residences security personnel who were guarding the property.

Mnangagwa is recovering from a suspected attempted poisoning.  

More: Daily News

