
Mnangagwa should repent and become a true democrat, he is free to join the MDC says Obert Gutu

Mnangagwa should repent and become a true democrat, he is free to join the MDC says Obert Gutu

The spokesperson for the opposition MDC-T, Obert Gutu has said that former Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa is free to join the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC). Gutu added that Mnangagwa can only join on condition that he repents and becomes a true democrat. Gutu said this after Mnangagwa, a veteran of the Mugabe government since 1980 was dismissed from his position of Vice President by President Robert Mugabe yesterday.

Said Gutu:

As the MDC we are naturally pleased to see Zanu PF crash and burn; that fascist political party has brought about untold suffering to the majority of Zimbabweans.

Mnangagwa should repent and become a true and genuine democrat.

After he repents he is free to join us in the MDC as we peacefully fight to dislodge the insipidly corrupt and decadent Mugabe dynasty in next years’ election.

More: New Zimbabwe

