
Mujuru Holds Press Conference, Ignores Military Takeover of Power

Mujuru Holds Press Conference, Ignores Military Takeover of Power


My fellow Zimbabweans, I stand before you as the nominated Presidential Candidate for PEOPLE’S RAINBOW COALITION (PRC). PRC amongst its core values has the liberation struggle, selfless sacrifices, and courage of our forebearers and compatriots who contributed in different ways to the attainment of our national independence. Our story of the liberation struggle cannot be complete without paying great respect to the collective will and determination of revolutionary cadres, detainees, restrictees and other freedom fighters. In our collective way, we fought for one man one vote. We fought for land, against racial discrimination, suppression of women, children, people living with disabilities to name but just a few.

Thats the essence of democracy, and that’s why Zimbabwe paid the ultimate price for the attainment of our national Independence.

As PRC we note the current political developments in our country. We are however heartened by assurances by leadership behind present political developments that condemns violence and encourages peace. We therefore urge Zimbabweans that the observation of the rule of law be the cornerstone of our conduct as we seek to revive our constitutional democracy. Let’s respect private property and individual rights. We are at a time that peace is only realized through maximum restraint and constructive interaction of ideas as Zimbabweans.

Going forward, PRC believes that present political developments require collective engagement and national dialogue of all critical stakeholders in our country. Beyond Political Actors it should also include faith based organizations, workers movements, civil society and students’ movements.

For the success of such National collective engagement and dialogue there is no doubt that we are in need of a Transitional Arrangement. That should attend to key issues of Economic Recovery and Electoral Reform Processes. Our country’s reconstruction and National Healing Process can only be a product of free, fair and credible elections which are to be held within a reasonable time post an agreed Transitional Arrangement period.

PRC believes that free, fair and credible elections can only be achieved through an enabling environment, both during the current registration exercise for one to register to vote and the actual voting process itself. National elections are the bedrock of every celebrated constitutional democracy. It therefore follows that such elections should be observed and supervised by African Union, SADC, Electoral Pan- African Institutions, Civil Society, Local Electoral Agencies and the International Community under the auspices of the United Nations.

In conclusion ladies and gentlemen, what divides us as a nation is smaller than what binds us. We ought to be bound by ideological underpinnings of social democracy, Pan Africanism, De-colonial thought and principles of a modern democratic developmental state. It’s time to reflect as we seek to rebuild and reconstruct our beautiful country; our great Zimbabwe. Together we can make our country great.
