
Power Struggles At Paul Mwazha's Church

Power Struggles At Paul Mwazha's Church

The African Apostolic Church (AAC) led by Bishop Paul Mwazha is reported to be in embroiled in a leadership struggle which resulted in congregants failing to share the Holy Communion. Mwazha’s youngest son Bishop Tawanda Mwazha is reported to have assumed leadership of the church as his father who turns 100 this year is becoming increasing frail. However, the move is said to be facing resistance from his older brothers. Sources in the church who spoke to the Sunday Mail said,

All his sons are Bishops but the last born son is in charge. He is not yet formally ordained because Bishop Mwazha is still alive and his elder brothers are resisting

…The church uses biscuits and raspberry drink for the Holy Communion, so if they say the communion couldn’t be served because of the unanticipated high numbers, why did they not just buy more? There is certainly more to it than meets the eye. The leadership issue is at the centre of it all.

More: Sunday Mail

