
Kembo Mohadi Undergoing Physiotherapy In South Africa, Oppah Muchinguri Recovering From Home: Chiwenga

Kembo Mohadi Undergoing Physiotherapy In South Africa, Oppah Muchinguri Recovering From Home: Chiwenga

Addressing Zanu-PF supporters at Dingumuzi Stadium on Thursday, Vice President Chiwenga said his co-Vice President Kembo Mohadi recovering and undergoing physiotherapy in a South African hospital while Environment Minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashuiri is recovering from home.

Said Chiwenga:

…In that process our Vice President Kembo Mohadi and our national chairperson Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri were injured. Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri is back home, she is recovering at her home in Harare while Mohadi is still in hospital and we talk to him every day. He is much better and undergoing physiotherapy. We are looking forward to seeing him coming back to work soon.

More: Chronicle
