
Dairibord Refutes Allegations That Aqualite Bottled Water Is Contaminated

Dairibord Refutes Allegations That Aqualite Bottled Water Is Contaminated

Following a report by the Zimbabwean Independent that the majority of bottled water brands which were tested by the Environmental Management Agency (EMA) are contaminated, Dairibord has refuted the allegations.  The company said that its Aqualite brand remains safe and has never been contaminated.  In a public statement, Dairibord said,


Following a misleading article that appeared in Friday 28 September’s edition of the Independent, we wish to reassure you that your trusted brand. Dairibord Aqualite, is a SAZ certified mineral water bottled under world-class manufacturing conditions The Standards Association Certification is an endorsement on the safety of Dairibord Aqualite as SAZ undertakes its own independent verification.

Dairibord Aqualite undergoes rigorous processing that ensures that the water is free of any contaminants. During processing, every batch is tested in order to provide extra assurance to our valued customers. We keep samples of our production for verification. We are therefore ready and willing to go through testing and verification with anyone who doubts our safety and quality claims on Dairibord Aqualite. As a mineral water, Dairibord Aqualite has the added advantage in that it contains essential minerals that contribute to the sustenance of good health.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind our valued customers to only buy Dairibord Aqualite from Dairibord vendors, sales shops as well as from reputable retailers and wholesalers.

Dairibord Zimbabwe is an ISO 22000 certified company, a certification accorded to a food manufacturing company whose processes, systems and procedures comply with the best manufacturing practices worldwide.
