
Social Media Is Causing Deliberate Panic Buying Of Fuel And Other Commodities- Mnangagwa

Social Media Is Causing Deliberate Panic Buying Of Fuel And Other Commodities- Mnangagwa

Addressing Zanu-PF Central Committee yesterday, President Mnangagwa blamed social media for driving deliberate panic buying of fuel and other commodities.

He said Zimbabwe now has three times the fuel that it needs. Mnangagwa added that the country’s economic problems will be solved by reviving the manufacturing industry. Said Mnangagwa:

The social media is driving deliberate panic buying of fuel and other commodities, let me assure you that as of yesterday we had begun to fund the market, we now have three times more fuel than is necessary. However, the medium to long term solutions lie in production. The manufacturing sector must be revived and our agriculture sector must produce more for feedstock into our industries. Stakeholders in all sectors of the economy must aggressively and deliberately set targets to grow their sectors for us to realise the economic growth we desire.

More: Chronicle
