
Chamisa Urges Govt To Pay Civil Servants In US Dollars, Warns Chiwenga Against Threatening Professionals

Chamisa Urges Govt To Pay Civil Servants In US Dollars, Warns Chiwenga Against Threatening Professionals

In a tweet, MDC leader Nelson Chamisa urged Government to pay civil servants in foreign currency.

In a veiled warning to Acting President Constantino Chiwenga, Chamisa also said it is unwise for Government to use force against striking junior doctors. Chamisa’s tweet comes at a time when Government has suspended junior doctors who have been on strike since December 1. Acting President Chiwenga also said junior doctors are not qualified doctors. Said Chamisa:

GIVE DOCTORS THEIR MONEY…Pay teachers & civil servants in forex. ‘Sledgehammer’ politics always fail. It’s unwise for the powerful to use command or macho tactics to threaten skill and expertise.Give life to Doctors to save lives.Doctors can’t save lives when they have no life!

