
Soft Drinks Consumption Decreased By 66% At End Of 2018, Delta Reports

Soft Drinks Consumption Decreased By 66% At End Of 2018, Delta Reports

The volume of soft drinks sold by Delta Corporation from October to December 2018 decreased significantly by 66% compared to the same period in 2018, the company has said.  The sharp decline was caused by the currency crisis that has gripped Zimbabwe for several months now.

In a Trading Update for the third quarter and the nine months to 31 December 2018, released today Delta said:

The Sparkling beverages volume declined by 66% compared to prior year for the quarter and decreased by 26% for the nine months’ There were extended production stoppages arising from limited access to foreign currency required for importing key raw materials and the failure to clear arrear payments to The Coca Cola Company.

There was an acute shortage of soft drinks in that period experience by Zimbabweans. At one point the delta soft drinks plant was reported to have been shut down, only to be reopened after the government intervened.


Source :  Delta Corporation
