
Thomas 'Mukanya' Mapfumo Dismisses Macheso And Other Local Musicians As Insignificant

Thomas 'Mukanya' Mapfumo Dismisses Macheso And Other Local Musicians As Insignificant

Chimurenga maestro Thomas Mukanya Mapfumo’s remarks when he appeared of Television courted derision from some viewers. Mukanya said that the late national hero Oliver Mtukudzi and himself were the only internationally-acclaimed musicians in the country. Said Mukanya:

…vasati vamutumidza (Dr Mtukudzi) kuti hero, isu taitozviziva kuti ihero nekuti akachengetedza tsika nemagariro emuno. Tikaenda mhiri overseas kwamunonzwa kwatinobva vanhu vanozivikanwa ndini naOliver, vamwe ava ana Macheso vanogumira muEngland. (…before they conferred him (Dr Mtukudzi) hero status, we already knew he was one and started calling him a hero because he preserved the culture and heritage of our country. When we go overseas, it’s only me and Oliver who are known, the rest such as Macheso simply end their tours in England).

More: The Herald
