
Jah Prayzah Is Apolitical - Manager

Jah Prayzah Is Apolitical - Manager

Jah Prayzah’s manager, Keen Mushapaidze has claimed that his boss is apolitical. He was speaking ahead of three United Kingdom (UK) concerts where Jah Prayzah is expected to perform alongside Winky D, Jah Signal, Baba Harare, Tocky Vibes and DJ Silence Dosh on April 19 through to 21.

Mushapaidze’s comments follow social media criticism of the Military Touch Movement boss and ZDF Ambassador.

In various circles, Jah Prayzah has been closely linked to the ZANU PF and the army. There are reports saying that UK fans have been trying to block Jah Praysah from performing in the country. Some have pledged to boycott his shows.

Mushapaidze told the Daily News that Jah Praisah’s music cuts across groups. He said:

It has been always the case that people try to associate Jah Prayzah with politics but he is apolitical. The majority link him to Zanu PF but there are also some incidences where MDC leaders such as Nelson Chamisa and even the late Morgan Tsvangirai were seen in different videos dancing to his song Mdara Vachauya.

Songs can be interpreted differently and can be used by anyone. Remember a song ceases to ‘belong’ to the musician once it finds its way onto the market.

The manager also explained why his boss is largely associated with the army. He said that Jah is the appointed Zimbabwe Defence Forces Cultural Ambassador.


More: Daily News
