
Govt Invites Apex Council To Discuss Workers' Salaries

Govt Invites Apex Council To Discuss Workers' Salaries

The government has invited the Apex Council to discuss civil servants’ salary tomorrow. In March, civil servants received a salary increase of $400 million as part of their cost of living adjustment, with Government promising another review this month.

Apex Council president Mrs. Cecilia Alexander has confirmed that the National Joint Negotiating Council (NJNC) would sit tomorrow. She said that the Apex Council will present proposals to the government as requested by the workers. Alexander said:

The Government has written to the Apex Council inviting us for a meeting on Wednesday. The main issue on the agenda is reviewing civil servants’ salaries. Apex Council will sit on Tuesday to discuss and agree on the salary increment that the civil servants want.

Previously, we had set the minimum salary at $1 700. We’ll definitely demand more than that because it’s no longer adequate due to the prevailing situation.

More: The Herald
