
BitCoin Surge Continue

BitCoin Surge Continue

Bitcoin has crossed the $12000 mark this month since January 2018. As of this morning, it’s trading at,  $12557.58 according to It hit its 17 months high yesterday as it traded for $12.9k yesterday.

Cryptocurrencies have gained a fair share of acceptance in the last 2 years with other retailers and wholesalers accepting Bitcoin and other cryptos as their mode of payment. Closer home in Zimbabwe Bitcoin made a mark through Golix and other exchanges before the RBZ put a stop to it.

According to TechCentral, BitCoin last traded that high in December 2017:

The last time bitcoin climbed above $12 000 was in December 2017. It rose much higher, eventually reaching as high as $19 511 later in the month, but the surge was followed by a precipitous fall that saw it drop below $6 000 by February. All in all, in December 2017 and January 2018, bitcoin spent about six weeks above $12 000

