
December 12 Movement Leads Anti Sanctions March In New York - Report

December 12 Movement Leads Anti Sanctions March In New York - Report

Hundreds of protestors reportedly led by December 12 Movement waved placards yesterday among other activities protesting against sanctions in New York yesterday New Ziana reports. The protestors mostly non-Zimbabweans have joined other African heads like Kagame and Tanzania’s Magufuli in calling for the removal of sanctions against Zimbabwe which were imposed by the US and the EU after the infamous land reform program almost 2 decades ago.

December 12 Movement leader Viola Palmer said in a statement white at the protest:

Sanctions in Zimbabwe kill, they destroy all means to develop the country. The sanctions are killing the people of Zimbabwe. Sanctions are a form of war. They put sanctions on the banks. They cannot get financing to develop the country

The protest echoes what other African heads have been planning. 25 October has been set aside as anti-sanctions day where activities to protest against sanctions on Zimbabwe will be done by organisers mostly SADC heads of state. New Ziana reports that Egypt and Tanzanian presidents are planning to add voice to the Anti sanctions calls at the UN general assembly that kicks off in New York this week.

More: New Ziana.
