
Harmful Meat Preservative Gimmicks That Are Being Used To Preserve Meat During These Power Cuts

Harmful Meat Preservative Gimmicks That Are Being Used To Preserve Meat During These Power Cuts

As power cuts rage on, it’s not rocket science that the food industry is one of the industries hit the hardest by the power outages as meat and other perishables are not lasting long.

The Sunday mail carried an investigation and discovered the following gimmicks being used either to preserve or to make meet look fresh:

The scam involves the use of  formalin,  a chemical mixture of preservatives used on corpses, which is sprinkled on meat products to make them look fresh and to extend their shelf life.

Sodium metabisulfite, a white chemical, is mixed with water and sprayed on the meat to maintain its reddish hue and create the impression that it is fresh.

Other crooked vendors are injecting steroids that build muscle into both living animals and packed meat in order to increase their weight.

… sick cattle are being slaughtered, with some found to contain antibiotics in their blood, which is a health hazard.

… sprinkles soda water on the meat to maintain its reddish colour.

Power cuts were introduced in May 2019 due to water problems at Kariba the country’s biggest electricity hydro plant.

More: Sunday Mail
