
Auxillia Visits Heroic Mbare Midwife

Auxillia Visits Heroic Mbare Midwife

The first lady on Friday took the time to visit the famous Gogo Gwenya who is delivering babies in Mbare and has so far delivered 100 bb=abies in 8 babies. 

Auxillia visited Gogo Ngwenya and presented her with a few provisions to make her job easier. Speaking to the old lady whom she found delivering her 6th baby that day Auxillia asked if health officials had visited Gogo Ngwenya and was told no.

Dai zvichibvira vanoona nezvehutano vauyawo pano vaonawo mabasa amurikubata aya nemagariro amakaita pano. It is important for them to assess your work and if possible give you a midwifery certificate

Hospitals in Zimbabwe remain short stuffed as doctors remain on strike with some nurses joining them.

More: The Herald 
