
Mashwede Plaza Patron Shoots Bouncer During A Fight

Mashwede Plaza Patron Shoots Bouncer During A Fight

A bouncer at Mashwede Plaza in Harare was shot in the arm while trying to disarm a patron at the popular food joint on Saturday, ZimMornig Post reports.

Edward Mapfurirwa was shot by Tawanda Trymore Jarrett as he was trying to disarm Jarrett who was embroiled in a fight with other patrons at the joint.

According to the publication:

Accused allegedly had a misunderstanding with other patrons who were also drinking beer at the same spot. During the scuffle, Jarnett allegedly pulled out a Tokarev pistol.

He is said to have fired one shot in the air to scare away his opponents. The public and security guard reportedly tried to disarm the accused. Accused then fired another shot, which is said to have hit Mapfurirwa.

Jannett’s firearm license was issued for cash-in-transit protection purposes only.

More: Zim Morning Post
