
"We Do It As One. Good Politics Invites Good Business," - Nelson Chamisa

"We Do It As One. Good Politics Invites Good Business," - Nelson Chamisa

The leader of the opposition MDC, advocate Nelson Chamisa has said that the socio-economic and political crises were as a result of the toxic politics in the country adding that by working together can this country be revived again.

He speaks when the nation is divided over almost everything. There is always binary characterisation of citizens, one is either a supporter or member of the MDC or belongs to the ruling ZANU PF. There is no room for objective thinking! Posting on microblogging site, Twitter, Chamisa said:

Everywhere I went in South Africa, I met anxious yet hopeful Zimbabweans working so hard to help families at home. Zimbos love their country& expect the problems to be fixed. We must fix our politics to fix the economy. We do it as one. Good politics invites good business.

Efforts have been made, however, to bring the standoff between ZANU PF and the MDC to an end yet there seems the concerned parties are not prepared to deescalate.

Chamisa’s remarks are a strong redolent of the sentiments by many analysts who have often said that the impasse was hamstringing efforts to revive the economy and to reengage the international community.

More: Nelson Chamisa
