
WHO Says Nothing Was Ever Hidden From The USA With Regards To Coronavirus

WHO Says Nothing Was Ever Hidden From The USA With Regards To Coronavirus

The World Health Organisation (WHO) director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Monday said that nothing has been “hidden from the US, from day one,” with regards to coronavirus.

Ghebreyesus says that United States professionals have actually been playing an important role in the organisation’s fight against the pandemic.

Ghebreyesus told reporters that some 15 staff from the US Centres for Disease Control have been seconded to the WHO since January, with two US officials assigned long-term, which is a sign
of the agency’s transparency.

He also said that all countries get information immediately adding that there were no secrets in WHO because keeping things confidential or secret is dangerous as that could result in loss of life.

The WHO chief speaks when the United States President, Donald Trump has announced that his country will stop sponsoring WHO operations for conniving with China to conceal information on the virus.

The US president also insisted that the WHO had failed to share information “in a timely and transparent” manner since the COVID-19 outbreak.

Meanwhile, the US state of Missouri has already instituted a lawsuit against the leadership of China demanding reparations for damages caused by the virus.

More: Xinhua
