
Bulawayo Residents Opposed To Constitutional Amendment

Bulawayo Residents Opposed To Constitutional Amendment

Bulawayo residents have by and large rejected the proposed Constitutional Amendment No.2 Bill, which seeks to introduce at least 27 amendments to the 2013 constitution.

The proposals are being pushed by the ZANU PF-led government and three teams of the Parliamentary Committee on Justice Legal and Parliamentary Affairs have been sent to hold meetings across the country.

In Bulawayo, the parliamentary public hearing was held on Wednesday afternoon at a local hotel and was presided over by Makoni South MP Misheck Mataranyika.

Speaker after speaker asked why the government was in such a rush to amend the 2013 constitution when it had not been implemented fully and said the government had failed to consult people on whether it should be amended.

Ward 17 Councillor Sikhululekile Moyo argued that amending the seven-year-old constitution was already violating it. She said:

Where is devolution? It has not been fully implemented but now the government want to change what we the people sat down and voted yes for.

A resident, Themba Maphosa argued that giving the President the power to appoint judges will compromise the judiciary. He said:

Why patch a new dress before it is worn? Who came up with these amendments and why should a president appoint own judges, as that compromises the judiciary.

94.49 per cent voted for the Constitution at a referendum in March 2013.

More: CITE
