
Govt, Teachers Reach Agreement On June Exams

Govt, Teachers Reach Agreement On June Exams

The government and eight teacher’s unions have agreed that health and safety measures should be in place when the June 2020 examinations start.

The High Court granted an order sought by the teacher’s unions to have health and safety measures prescribed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) against infection by COVID-19 in place at all examination centres by June 26.

After the government pledged to meet those standards by June 26, the urgent chamber application brought by the unions became an uncontested matter, prompting High Court judge Justice Jesta Charewa to grant the order sought.

It was agreed that the government should ensure that schools are fumigated, cleaned and disinfected within specified and agreed on timelines.

The government will also provide necessary temperature scanners for teachers and learners and ensure testing and adequate sanitisation.

The state will also provide Zupco transport for teachers and learners where necessary and face masks, sanitisers and thermometers at all examination centres.

Zimbabwe Teachers Association (ZIMTA) secretary-general Tapson Nganunu in a statement on Thursday said:

With this order in place, it is needless to emphasize that all members should monitor the progress and report to the unions any failure to comply.

The public examinations are scheduled to start on June 30, having been delayed by a whole month due to the coronavirus outbreak.

More: The Herald
