
Nelson Chamisa Distances Himself From Harvest House Takeover

Nelson Chamisa Distances Himself From Harvest House Takeover

Firebrand MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa has denied involvement in this week’s seizure of the MDC T headquarters Morgan Tsvangirai House, formerly Harvest House by the MDC T Youths who reportedly wanted to hand it over to the MDC Alliance, The Daily News reports.

Speaking to the Daily News, Nelson Chamisa said he has no time for quislings (a traitor who collaborates with an enemy force occupying their country.) because he has a party to run. Said Chamisa:

I have no time for quislings. I lead a political party, the MDC Alliance, and have no business in what is happening in other parties. They (the youths) want to drag me into issues of the MDC-T, but I really have no time for that. What has Chamisa got to do with Harvest House?
However, MDC T’s spokesperson Khalipani Phugeni said the youths who seized the party’s headquarters were ordered to do so by Nelson Chamisa. Said Phugeni:
The youths are still in there (in MRT House), but they are not MDC-T youths. We have a court order to get them out and the police will enforce the order.
We work within the parameters of the law. Their invasion of our headquarters is at the order of Nelson Chamisa in his address to his people.
On Saturday, he ordered them to violently take it over. Senator (Morgen) Komichi went to Harvest House at the instruction of the president (Khupe) to get the youths out, but they made certain demands. He listened to them, but they are not in a position to make any demands at all.
Speaking about the MDC T welcoming the prospect of a dialogue with the MDC Alliance Phugeni said:
If Chamisa wants to talk to us, he is welcome. But what you don’t do is to try to take us hostage and violently take over our headquarters as a way to force us into negotiations. We will not allow ourselves to be held to ransom like that,
Meanwhile, MDC T’s Abedinico Ncube said he is tired of the mudslinging:
We are sick and tired of this mudslinging. We cannot afford to ignore what the youths are saying. So, I have taken it upon myself to get Khupe and Nelson Chamisa to start talking.
I stay with Khupe here in Bulawayo, hence that is not a problem … I will soon drive to Harare to meet Chamisa. The two have to find each other without failure
