
It’s Not Sanctions, It’s Corruption That Has Brought Zimbabwe To Where It Is - UK

It’s Not Sanctions, It’s Corruption That Has Brought Zimbabwe To Where It Is - UK

The United Kingdom Ambassador to Zimbabwe Mrs. Melanie Robinson has said sanctions cannot be blamed for Zimbabwe’s woes. Robinson made reference to Zimbabwe’s lack of freedom of speech and said corruption was the main reason why investors would not choose Zimbabwe:

It’s not sanctions, it’s corruption that drives away investors and leaves teachers, doctors, nurses and services struggling. Zimbabweans must be free to expose corruption, rights abuses and see perpetrators face justice,

Meanwhile, US Ambassador to Zimbabwe Ambassador Brian Nichols called the sanctions protest a hollow event that doesn’t serve the interest of the Zimbabwean people and  said the government must put more effort in reforming:

I think if the government of Zimbabwe put the energy that they put into organising these types of events and generating statements from other Sadc members into pursuing the reform agenda the better.

The government of Zimbabwe campaigned and talked about reform three years ago in November 2017 and 2018 at the inauguration of President Mnangagwa.

If they have events on the reform agenda and the conditions, the restrictive measures that the US, the EU, Canada, Australia and others have imposed would be met.

I think this is a hollow exercise in that it does not solve the interests of the people of Zimbabwe.

Meanwhile, people in different parts of the country marched against sanctions today.

More: New Zimbabwe
