
We Will Be Guided By The Prevailing COVID-19 Situation - Govt On Reopening Borders

We Will Be Guided By The Prevailing COVID-19 Situation - Govt On Reopening Borders

The government through the Home Affairs Minister has said they will be guided by the prevailing COVID-19 situation when it comes to reopening borders, Newsday reports.

Addressing the issue of whether the country will open its land borders when the lockdown restrictions imposed by the government expires on Monday, Home Affairs Minister Kazembe Kazembe said the government will stand guided by the national COVID-19 taskforce:

Decisions on whether the country would open its borders are made by the National COVID-19 Taskforce, but government will be informed by the situation obtaining in the country. Government makes decisions in accordance with situations and circumstances obtaining in the country,

This comes after South Africa revealed their intention to open its borders on Monday symbolizing the end of their COVID-19 restrictions. Experts have however warned the government against reopening borders as they said COVID-19 cases might surge.

Source: Newsday
