
RBZ Foreign Currency Auction Results: 17 August 2021

RBZ Foreign Currency Auction Results: 17 August 2021

The Zimbabwe dollar has fallen in value vis-à-vis the US dollar on the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) foreign currency (forex) auction conducted on Tuesday, 17 August 2021.

Last week the weighted average was US$1: ZWL$85.7467 but fell to ZWL$85.8290 this week.

This week, US$12.3 million was allocated to the Small to Medium Enterprises forex auction while US$36.7 million was allocated to the main forex auction.

In total, US$49.1 million was allotted this week, with the bulk of the allotment going to raw materials followed by machinery and equipment.

843 bids were received on the Small to Medium enterprises forex auction, with 764 accepted and 79 disqualified.

On the main forex auction, a total of 413 bids were received, 389 were accepted while 24 were disqualified.

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) said bids that were disqualified were not eligible in terms of the Priority List.

Bids with overdue CDIs, outstanding Bills of Entry (BOEs), and those with sufficient FCA balances were also disqualified.

Some bids were allotted on a pro-rata basis to conform with the Import Priority List, the RBZ said.

Below is the RBZ summary of the forex auction:

Number of Bids Received : 843 413
Number of Bids Disqualified : 79 24
Total Number of Bids Accepted : 764 389
Total Number of Bids Allotted : 764 389
Total Value of Bids Accepted : USD12,357,545.21 USD38, 179,408.02
Amount Allotted : USD12,357,545.21 USD36, 747,358.03
Highest Rate Received : 90.0000 91.0000
Lowest Bid Rate Received : 82.5000 82.5000
Lowest Bid Rate Allotted : 82.5000 82.5000
Weighted Average Rate : 85. 8290


Raw Materials 2,602,606.69 16,084,510.52
Machinery and Equipment 2,916,795.17 8,720,467.04
Consumables (Incl. Spares, Tyres, Electricals, etc) 3,063,886.09 2,187,488.80
Services (Loans, Education, Dividends, Disinvestments, etc) 861,513.52 1,809,919.73
Retail and Distribution (Incl. Food, Beverages, etc) 1,688,192.68 3,973,338.31
Fuel, Electricity and Gas 253,910.32 1,678,523.58
Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals 580,359.01 1,642,222.27
Paper and Packaging 390,281.73 650,887.78
TOTAL 12,357,545.21 36,747,358.03
GRAND TOTAL AWARDED   49,104,903.24

