
Ministry Of Transport, CVR Replacing Drivers' Metal Disc With Plastic Ones

Ministry Of Transport, CVR Replacing Drivers' Metal Disc With Plastic Ones

The Central Vehicle Registry (CRV) is in the process of changing the driver’s license metal disc to a plastic disc by end of June 2022.

The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure Development announced the intended move this Wednesday. In a statement, seen by Pindula News, the ministry of transport the old metal disc technology is now outdated. Reads the statement:

@MinistryofTID CVR is in the process of moving from the old metal disc to a new plastic disc. The old metal disc technology and equipment is now obsolete.

The proposed new disc is compliant with the COMESA, EAC and SADC Tripartite region. We urge our valued citizens to bear with us in our transition from the old to the new SADC compliant driver’s license disc. This process is expected to be completed by end of June 2022.

This is happening when accessing a metal disc is still a problem at CVR as those who passed their test in 2018 are yet to get their metal driver’s license discs.

The department is currently in the process of producing discs for learners who passed their tests in August 2018.

Most of the raw materials, which include metal photo plates, a special dye, a fixer and a developer, are all purchased in the United States.

The old manual machine that is used in the production process can only produce 48 driver’s licence discs at one go and frequently breaks down.

The government also has a huge backlog of number plates.

More: Pindula News

