
Over US$115 000 Out Of US$2.3 Million Raised For "Chamisa Defend The People's Vote Fund"

Over US$115 000 Out Of US$2.3 Million Raised For "Chamisa Defend The People's Vote Fund"

Over US$115 000 out of a targeted US$2.3 million has been raised towards the “Chamisa Defend The People’s Vote Fund” initiative.

As of 17:44, on 13 March 2022, the initiative had raised US$115 170 out of the targeted total of US$2 350 0000.

Description of the “Chamisa Defend The People’s Vote Fund”

Democratic Elections under transparent and fair conditions represent a new season; a time for renewal of hope, motivation, a change in direction, a step forward, manifesting Voter expectations…


1). This initiative is happening when Zimbabwe is gearing towards 26 March by-elections and 2023 harmonised elections.

2). Therefore, local political parties are in need of money to sustain their campaigns.

3). Nelson Chamisa, leader of the newly formed Citizens’ Coalition for Change (CCC), who contested the 2018 elections and lost narrowly to President Emmerson Mnangagwa, believes he deserved to receive money under the Political Parties (Finance) Act. The Political Parties Finance Act stipulates that only a political party that secures 5 per cent of the total votes cast can benefit from the national budget.

4). In the 2018 elections, ZANU PF won 145 of the 210 seats in the National Assembly against MDC-Alliance’s 63.

5). However, the money was given to rival MDC-T after the Supreme Court judgment of 2020 on MDC leadership crisis which said Chamisa was not the legitimate leader of the MDC that entered into the MDC Alliance in 2018.

6). Chamisa’s political outfit, therefore, does not have funds to conduct campaigns.

7). This also comes when the government is pushing to pass the Private and Voluntary Organisations (PVOs) Bill which among other issues seeks to ban PVOs’ participation in politics.

8). This means the opposition has been cut from funding. PVOs have for long been funding opposition political parties in the country.

More: Pindula News
