
Zimbabwe's Former Health Minister Dr Parirenyatwa Elected SAA President

Zimbabwe's Former Health Minister Dr Parirenyatwa Elected SAA President

Zimbabwe’s former Health and Child Care minister, Dr David Parirenyatwa, has been elected president of the Society for AIDS in Africa (SAA) at an executive council meeting held this week in Accra, Ghana.

Following his election, Dr David Parirenyatwa pledged to follow in the footsteps of his predecessors in upholding the organisation’s advocacy role in Africa. He said:

Our aim is to look at HIV and all its aspects and to make sure 2030 we end AIDS, not necessarily HIV. As SAA, we are expanding to look at cancer, to look at other diseases and to look at all health systems within the African region. SAA is the only authentic African body that represents aspirations towards ending AIDS.

Dr Parirenyatwa, who will be at the helm of the organisation up to 2025, also promised to sustain the professionalism of the SAA Secretariat and take the body to greater heights.

The Society for AIDS in Africa is the custodian of the International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA) and collaborates with national, regional, continental and international organisations to support governments’ responses in the fight against HIV and AIDS.

It was founded in 198.

More: ZBC News
