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Why Education ls An lnvestment

Why Education ls An lnvestment
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*Education Is Always For The Future* "A lot of people hate studying or reading or learning__because currently__they don't see how reading a new book or taking a new course will help them__l say__Education is for the future__Read new books__Take new courses__One day in the future, what you learned 10 years ago__will be used by you to solve a problem or to achieve something worthwhile__Now it might seem as if learning something isn't important__that's now__but later on, what you learn today, will be useful" _______ *Take baking courses, sewing courses, 1 month accounting courses, 2 weeks heavy-machinery driving courses, one month marketing courses, not degrees, but simple courses. Think also of fish farming, mushroom farming, introduction to law(6 months course...You will thank me for saying this, ten years from now.........* Coach Tinashe K +263 777 861 793 *Building you for growth in all areas of your life....through advising* *LETS GROW YOUR BUSINESS TOGETHER, US$20 PER HOUR*

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