
ZRP sued for demanding for spot fines

ZRP sued for demanding for spot fines

TRANSPARENCY International Zimbabwe (TIZ) has filed an application at the Bulawayo  High Court seeking an order that stops ZRP Traffic Police from demanding spot fines from motorists,

The watchdog also wants the High Court to declare the impounding of motor vehicles for vehicle offences to be declared illegal, if there is no valid court order or option to pay a fine.  TIZ said demanding spot fines by the police violates people’s rights as enshrined in the Constitution.

Part of the order sought reads:

The application to declare as unlawful the maladmistration of spots fines by members of the Zimbabwe Republic Police under the employ of the first and second defendants is and hereby granted. To that end and in recognition of the rights enshrined in the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No2) Act 2013, it is hereby declared that: every person has a right to administrative conduct that is lawful, prompt, efficient, reasonable, proportionate , impartial and both substantially and procedurally fair,


Minister of Home Affairs Ignatius Chombo and Police Commissioner-General Augustine Chihuri have been cited as respondents.


More: Chronicle
