
Mugabe's Associates Write To African Presidents, Claim Mugabe Is Being Persecuted, Harrased

Mugabe's Associates Write To African Presidents, Claim Mugabe Is Being Persecuted, Harrased

Former president Robert Mugabe’s allies and supporters have written to current and former African presidents seeking intervention. They are afraid that Mugabe and his wife, Grace, are being harassed and may soon be arrested by President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government for criminal activities committed during Mugabe’s long tenure.

Jealousy Mawarire. spokesperson of the Mugabe endorsed new opposition party, the National Patriotic Front said,

The harassment of Mugabe and his wife, especially the contrived ivory smuggling allegations, are clear moves by a desperate junta to tarnish the image of the two, after Mugabe came out in the open revealing that ED (Mnangagwa) and (Vice President Constantino) Chiwenga staged a coup on November 15, 2017 — and that the current government is therefore illegitimate.

It is common cause that Mugabe and his family were under house arrest in December 2017 when the purported ivory smuggling was done, so the soldiers that were holding the family hostage should tell us how their captives found time to involve themselves in the purported ivory trade.

…If you ignore this … you will ignore the Constitution of Zimbabwe, history and your responsibilities and obligations as Sadc, and the consequences will be too ghastly for everyone concerned, in Zimbabwe and in Sadc and the African Union.

Exiled G40 kingpin Jonathan Moyo used Twitter to add,

HE P. Kagame; HE C. Ramaphosa; HE T. Mbeki; HE B. Mkapa; HE O. Obasanjo; HE Y. Museveni & HE K. Annan. Coup rulers in Zimbabwe are persecuting your brother, Mugabe. Please check on him!

It’s impossible for Zanu PF to win Zimbabwe’s 2018 elections. Zanu PF is no more. What was Zanu PF was killed by the 15NovCoup and replaced by an unelectable Lacoste Junta. To remain in power, the Lacoste Junta will have to do another coup. Only EDiots think that would succeed, again.

More: Daily News

