
Members Of The G-40 Appointed Into MDC Structures

Members Of The G-40 Appointed Into MDC Structures

A DailyNews Zimbabwe article has suggested that some former ZANU PF members who belonged to the ousted G40 cabal have secured positions in the opposition MDC party’s Harare provincial executive.

The article also reports that two ex-ZANU PF members, Shadreck Mashayamombe and Jappy Jaboon in that order, are now secretary for mobilisation committee and secretary for strategic projects (intelligence committee) in the MDC.

MDC spokesperson Jacob Mafume has defended the appointments. He said:

They are coming in as alliance partners, remember they were candidates for MDC in last year’s harmonised election and if they were good enough to sit in Parliament representing MDC they are also good enough to be in structures.

Previously, there were fears of infiltration into the party. The MDC seems to have relaxed its stance particularly following the 2013 election in which it lost to ZANU PF. The party now believes that there has to be an amalgamation of all stakeholders who are disgruntled with the ZANU PF rule.

In the 2018 harmonised elections, the party partnered with several other political parties to form the MDC Alliance.


More: DailyNews Zimbabwe
