
Doctors Demand The Sacking Of Health Minister

Doctors Demand The Sacking Of Health Minister

Doctors working in the public health system have called for the sacking of the Minister of Health and Child Care Obadiah Moyo for destroying the health sectors.

Senior Hospital Doctors Association (SHDA) vice president, Raphael Makota, said that doctors are now severely incapacitated and even the proposed increments will not solve their incapacitation. He said:

Censure the Minister of Health and Child Care to stop his efforts that are destroying the sector. He should be relieved of his duties before he destroys the sector.

Senior doctors have been incapacitated by the serious erosion of their salaries which cannot sustain them to be able to work for a full month even after factoring in the proposed increments.

Scores of doctors walked all the way from Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals to the Africa Unity Square in the city centre on Wednesday.

They went on to deliver a petition to Parliament, revealing that hospitals have run out of essential drugs and sundries, making them a dangerous place for patients.

More: Business Times
