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Consultancy Services

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🛑 *COMPANY SECRETARIAL WORK* ♦️ *Private Limited Company Registration $100 only* ♦️ *Private Business Corporation $80 only* ♦️ *Shelf Companies* ♦️ *Trust Registration* ♦️ *Change of Directorship* ♦️ *Change of Address* ♦️ *Companies Registry Annual Statutory Returns* ♦️ *Conversion Of PBC to PLC ( Upgrading )* 🛑 *TAX CONSULTANCY & ALL ZIMRA RELATED ISSUES* ♦️ *ZIMRA BP Number & Pin Registration* ♦️ *Tax Clearance Certificate 2022 i.e ITF 263* ♦️ *QPDs calculation and submission OF Income Tax returns* ♦️ *VAT & PAYE ZIMRA returns* ♦️ *Tax Advisory, Tax Avoidance & Tax Health Checks* 🛑 *ACCOUNTING SERVICES* ♦️ *Management Accounts & Financial Statements* ♦️ *Cashflow Projections* ♦️ *QuickBooks* 🛑 *PRAZ 2022* 🛑 *COMPANY PROFILE* 🛑 *VENDOR NUMBER APPLICATION* *Contact us on: Office: 0864 425 9131* or *Cell: +263772614515 / +263773972933/+263773618778* Or visit: Suite 911 Saint Barbara House Corner Nelson Mandela and Leopold Takawira avenue , Harare. Zimbabwe*

Contact Seller on: 0773618778

