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Trucking Management Software

Trucking Management Software

Credit Options

We are excited to introduce to you Business Pal a business management platform that includes a truck management module we are offering.

With this module you can manage your clients, horses, drivers and trailers you can also add as master records the cargo and routes you work with. Within an ordinary operation cycle you create a trip in the system, you add trip expenses as they occur that includes the fuel cost. You can then generate an invoice for your client from the system. When you recieve payment on that invoice you add such a payment into the system and you will be able to generate a number receipt from the system. You can generate client statements to what was owed what was paid what remains owing for both your clients and your suppliers in the system. You can generate a number of reports one of which is a Trucking Trading Report that show what you have earned from you clients and what you have spend and where you spend it and then show you your gross profit monthly.

The solution is web based meaning multiple users (up to 5)  works on any device does not require installation on local computers. Requires internet connectivity.

Cost $400 to setup, a fees payable in full or  in two equal installments of $200 a month apart. Annual subscription of $150 due and payable on the 1 of Dec if you are setup on any date between 1 April and 30 Sep otherwise it is due on 1 June

For your convenience we have created an online demo account to see and check the system in operation. You can access the demo account at


username: demo@huchitech.com

password: demo1022

We will be pleased to be included in your suppliers database.

Contact Seller on: 0712775267

