
Chamisa Calls For Immediate Release Of Job Sikhala

Chamisa Calls For Immediate Release Of Job Sikhala

Nelson Chamisa, the leader of the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has called for the immediate release of former Zengeza West Member of Parliament, Job Sikhala who has been in prison since June 2022.

Chamisa’s remarks come amid reports that Sikhala is seriously ill and is experiencing severe health problems, including passing blood in his waste. In a post seen by Pindula News, Chamisa said Sikhala’s condition requires urgent and expert medical attention which is denied to him at present. He said:


I am deeply concerned about the fact that Hon Job Sikhala is seriously ill in Chikurubi Maximum Prison. In particular the fact that he has blood in his stools is a very serious condition which requires urgent and expert medical attention which is denied to him at present. This would be bad enough if he was a convicted criminal but he is an opposition politician and respected lawyer who has been denied bail and a fair trial since June last year. The oppressors have callously disregarded our pleas in the past and so I now call on the international community, particularly leaders within SADC, to express concern and to call for his immediate release to obtain specialized medical attention. When icons like Nelson Mandela were held unjustly the world spoke out against the brutal apartheid regime’s unjust treatment of him. This situation requires the same to be done urgently. For our part we will continue to do all in our power to secure his release from detention.

Chamisa’s recent post on X, formerly known as Twitter, received mixed reactions. While some people agreed with his message, others argued that merely posting on the platform was insufficient. They suggested that the CCC party should take proactive steps, such as approaching the Constitutional Court.

The CCC maintains that Sikhala did not commit any crime and is in prison on political grounds. Sikhala was arrested and jailed in June 2022 for alleged incitement of violence that erupted during the funeral wake of slain CCC activist, Moreblessing Ali.

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