
CCC To Boycott By-elections, Says Chamisa

CCC To Boycott By-elections, Says Chamisa

The Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa has said his party will not participate in by-elections set for 09 December 2023 describing them as a “‘Muppet Show”.

The by-elections will be held to fill 14 National Assembly and 17 local authority vacancies created by recalls of CCC elected officials instigated by a man called Sengezo Tshabangu who declared himself as the party’s interim secretary general.

Tshabangu, who has been described as a CCC cluster leader in Binga, has effectively hijacked the party and this week wrote to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) stating that only he and two others are authorised to approve CCC candidates for the by-elections.

In an interview released on Wednesday, Chamisa said his party will not participate in “crime”. ZimLive quoted Chamisa as saying:

We’re not interested in side shows, the main show is the issue of having a proper government, a proper election, a legitimate government in Zimbabwe. All these things are sideshows.

As you look at us, do we look like characters that would participate in a Muppet Show?

We should not waste time on unconstitutional acts; on criminal acts. We don’t participate in crime.

It would be a different ball game had this position been created by a proper case of law.

But you can’t criminally produce an imposter, a fraudster, a bogus recall that is not from CCC.

The recalled MPs and councillors are challenging the legality of the process in court and the matter will be heard at the High Court on 02 November.

Chamisa also accused ZANU PF of selectively choosing to act on Tshabangu’s recalls while aware that he was not working for CCC.

On 03 October 2023, Tshabangu wrote letters to Parliament and the Minister of Local Government recalling 14 MPs, nine senators and 17 councillors.

More: Pindula News 
