Green Fuel

Bus Driver (Chipinge)

Green Fuel
Jan. 19, 2024
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Job Description

Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced candidates to fill in the above mentioned post.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Ferrying employees to and from work at scheduled intervals and any other similar duties as assigned.

Qualifications and Experience

  • Aged 35 – 55 years.
  • Should have 5 years’ experience as a bus driver.
  • Class 1 driver’s license with valid Retest which should be at least 6 months to expiry.
  • Valid Defensive Driving Certificate with at least 6 months to expiry.
  • Valid Medical Certificate.
  • Valid Police Clearance.


How to Apply

ONLY those who meet the above requirements are advised to APPLY for PRACTICAL DRIVING by sending applications with clear information of the following:

  • Name.
  • Age.
  • License.
  • Re-Test expiry date.
  • DDC expiry date.
  • Medical Certification expiry date.
  • Valid/Recent Police Clearance.

to: The Human Resources Harvesting Pool Office

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Green Fuel

Green Fuel offers environmentally friendly and sustainable renewable vehicle fuel and electricity that reduces greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality. The Green Fuel Ethanol Project was awarded National Project Status by the Government of Zimbabwe due to the significant benefits it will bring to the country.

Green Fuel's estates are located in Chipinge, Zimbabwe. The Chisumbanje Estate – 40,000 hectares· The Middle Sabi Estate – 10,000 hectares.

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