City Of Harare Resolve To Dispose 1000 Cattle To Capacitate Operations At Their Farms
In an effort to fund developments at their farms, the city fathers resolved to sell 1000 cattle to raise the funds. According to the Daily News, the city needs to revitalise operations at Crowborough, Ingwe and Pungwe farms which have collapsed due to mismanagement.
The matter came to light through environmental management minutes which read in part:
Currently, there were steers ready for the market against the pastures that were deteriorating due to veld fires and irrigation affected by power cuts, hence the need to dispose of those steers as soon as possible,
FeedbackHarare Water acting director also said selling the beasts should be completed by July next year and $3.5 million is expected to be raised from the sale.
The proceeds will be used for capital works, such as land improvements, plant and machinery and information communication technology requirements,
More; The Daily News
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