Invasive Alien Species

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Invasive Alien Species (IAS) are plants, animals pathogens and other organisms that are non-native to the ecosystem, which may cause economic or environmental harm or adversely affect human health.

See Biodiversity in Zimbabwe.
Special Bird Species in Zimbabwe.
Wetlands and Water: The Facts.


Most cases of IAS spread are unintentional.

Major IAS in Zimbabwe

  • Eichorma crassipes (Water hyacinth)
  • Lantana camara (Cherry pie)
  • Salvinia malesta (Kariba weed)
  • Wattle trees
  • Acacia nilotica and Dichostrychus cinera (acacia species which invade degraded areas)
  • Cactus rosea and Jointed cactus.


  • Control of Goods Act - Cap 14:05
  • environmental Management Act - Cap 20:27, Sec 116
  • Forest Act - Cap 19:05, Sec 62 and 63
  • Parks and Wildlife Act

To Control IAS

  • Before importing any pant or animal, an application to be lodged with Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water and Rural Resettlement.
  • Property Owners or their representatives are expected to clear or have cleared any IAS on their land. This includes farmers, traditional leaders, local authorities or law enforcement agents.
  • Cut and bury the weeds in situ, e.g. Opuntia fulgida, cut and buried on the spot to prevent spread.
  • Prevent streambank cultivation to avoid fertilisers being washed into water bodies.
  • Report existence of IAS to local authorities, forestry commission, or EMA.
  • Do not move any aquatic plants or animals (including fish) from one body of water to another - without written authorization form the relevant authorities.

Environment Management Authority (EMA)

Address: 685/6 Lorraine/Faber Drive, Bluff Hill Industrial area, Harare.
Telephone: +263 779 565707. Toll free - 08080028.

Pathogens = agents that cause disease. [1]

Further Reading


  1. [Invasive Alien Species Control, Environment Management Agency, Printed pamphlet], Environment Management Agency, Published: no date given, Retrieved: 13 June 2023

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