Lecturer/ Senior Lecturer/ Associate Professor/ Professor: Agricultural Engineering
Job Description
Reporting to the Dean, the incumbent is expected to spearhead teaching, research, transformative innovation and community service in applied Agricultural Engineering.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Teaching The incumbent is expected to teach or deliver lectures in accordance with the Department and or College guidelines and standards.
- University Service and Community Engagement The incumbent should participate in all Department, College and University activities such as attending meetings, training workshops, conferences and seminars, among others.
- Research The incumbent is expected to engage in active research in his/her area of specialisation, which benefits the students, the Global community and the University.
- Innovations Innovations should lead to the production of goods and services.
- Industrialisation Through the commercialisation of goods and services.
Qualifications and Experience
- A PhD in an Agricultural Engineering or related field.
- An MSc. in Agricultural Engineering, Manufacturing or Mechanical Engineering.
- A BSc (Hons) in Agricultural Engineering with a strong documented engineering background recognised by related bodies.
- At least five years teaching experience at undergraduate, graduate or tertiary level and/or industry.
- Demonstrated ability to supervise student lab work, and conducting and publishing their own research work.
- Ability to spearhead novel technologies for improved efficiency of water and energy use, water-saving irrigation technologies, renewable energy supply systems, mechanisation and post-harvest processes.
- A traceable track record of conducting relevant research and publishing in reputable, peer-reviewed journals.
- Ability to mobilise resources through writing research and grant proposals independently.
- Ability to work as a team and respect for cultural diversity.
- Demonstrated record of academic leadership that will contribute to invigorating departmental instruction, curricular innovation, and increased departmental research productivity in line with the Education 5.0 thrust in Higher Education Training.
How to Apply
Interested candidates must submit an application letter, certified copies of certificates, transcripts, national identification (ID and birth certificate), and a detailed curriculum vitae giving full personal particulars including full name, place and date of birth, qualifications, date of availability, current salary, contact details, names and addresses of three referees.
The application pack should be sent as a single pdf file to the e-mail address: careers@africau.edu by no later than 1400 hours on Friday, 05 July 2024.
Applicants should indicate the post being applied for in the subject line, and only shortlisted candidates will be communicated to. Africa University is an equal opportunity employer and therefore men and women from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply.Generate a Whatsapp Message
Africa University
Africa University is a "private, Pan-African and United Methodist-related institution." It has over 1,200 students from 36 African countries. It is located 17 km northwest of Mutare, Zimbabwe. It grants bachelor's, master's and PhD degrees in various programs.