Military Releases Statement in Support of Solidarity March to Zimbabwe Grounds
The military has released a statement in support of the solidarity march to the Zimbabwe Grounds that was announced earlier by the War Veterans leader Chris Mutsvangwa, and ZAPU leader Dumiso Dabengwa.
The military has asked the march and rally be orderly, principled and that no hate speech, inciting of violence should happen. It also warned against looting.
“The ZDF is therefore advising the nation that for as long as the planned march remains orderly, peaceful and in tandem with the fundamental bill of rights and within the confines of the country’s constitution and without hate speech and incitement to cause violence, it fully supports the march.
FeedbackThe ZDF is also encouraging the march participants to be disciplined and to return to their respective provinces with dignity after the march processions and moreover people have been warned against looting.”
Zimbabwe Grounds is in Highfields. The march was called for at a press conference today by the war veterans leader Chris Mutsvanga, who was flanked by the immediate former minister of war veterans Tshinga Dube, and Douglas Mahiya.
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