
Harare Youths In Anti Sanctions Awareness Campaign - Report

5 years agoFri, 04 Oct 2019 23:56:51 GMT
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Harare Youths In Anti Sanctions Awareness Campaign - Report

Youths from around Harare gathered in Mbare yesterday in a campaign meant to raise awareness on the negative impacts of sanctions ZBC News reports. The campaign was organised by Zimbabwe’s citizen forum whose coordinator spoke to the publication and said:

We want to educate our youths so that they know where Zimbabwean suffering came from. We want them to know how sanctions have affected us. Sanctions have made Zimbabweans suffer and people are taking their anger to the wrong people who is government. We will take this initiative to the streets to stop sanctions.

The idea of the campaign is to hype up the SADC anti-sanctions day slated for 25 October 2019. Some citizens and the government blame sanctions for the economic meltdown in the country. However, the US and EU maintain that sanctions are against certain individuals and companies in Zimbabwe and not against the country.



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